~Confessions of a Redneck Princess~

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I Want Wednesday....You Know Mw Better Than That

I hate being misunderstood. Hate it. I despise it more than more than baby powder scented products, more than someone taking the last of something and leaving the empty container behind, more than the thought of Raisin Bran covered in mayo and topped with oysters. It’s the part about not being listened to. About someone not taking the time to figure out where I’m coming from. It’s about the connection between me and another human being breaking even for a second, a connection that I at times value more than my own bones. It’s an emotional fuck you that makes me five years old again, banging on my parents’ bedroom door only to be met with silence. Please open up. That’s not what I meant. Why. won’t. you. listen.

My nuclear foursome has never understood why I have a penchant for raising my voice to that end. In any argument, I’ll be the one thrashing about in an attempt to get a point across, given that neither rational thought nor courtesy prevails in their home. When I was little, they’d attribute these explosions to an excess of Red Dye #6, a wheat allergy, or the preferred and likely explanation of me just being a huge pain in the ass. For as many years, my family has thought my head explosions had been about me being heard, about regurgitating the words just spoken as evidence of their higher order processing. Surely being able to say what the Princess just said and in the tone in which Princess said it means we’re simpatico! It never did. It still doesn’t. After all, the mimes and the chimps and even Flipper can mimic. The conversion of these recited words was never quite right, either, as if no literal translations exist in Familyspeak. Yes, Princess. I get it. You need a lot of attention. Really? That’s what you took from me asking if we could turn off the television when I visit so we can spend more time talking to each other? Cue flailing arms, fourth-grade tantrum, me shrieking like a cat in the bathtub while my undisturbed mother drinks a mint julep and pats her brow. It ends with her raised palm – stop – and some form of me begging. You are missing the point. It’s me. I need you to listen.

Friends and lovers do this too, although given that most of my cronies and bedmates weren’t born in the ‘40s and therefore missed reading Ms. Passive Aggressive Manners, misinterpretations grow into much stronger fuck you. The initial miscommunication and resulting misunderstandings are much less civil than with family, what with the EXCESSIVE USE OF CAPITALS – which really should be reserved for cat and child custody disputes, don’t you think? – and the F bombs and complete and utter absence of e-tone. All of us can throw emotional grenades safely from behind our electronic devices, including the phone, doing little to help already compromised communication. Before you know it, your in box is a Jackson Pollack full of RE:s. Neither of you stopped to ask what that turn of phrase meant, to clarify a response that made the stomach drop. The outcome changes little.
Screw you.

I get it already.

I thought I knew you better than this.

It’s both an exercise in experience and frustration. Yes, I knew better but I thought you knew me better, too. I find myself banging on the door again, although this time it’s usually by hated cell phone or email. It’s trying to get someone to face me without being allowed to touch them. Please open up. That’s not what I meant. Why. won’t. you. listen.

My mind automatically interprets the underlying message. I must not mean enough if they won’t take the time to figure out what I’m trying to say. As a little one, there’s not much else to think. We know love, but we can’t make sense of people giving and pulling it away simply because of trappings and judgments. It’s never being given the benefit of the doubt simply because you are a known and loved entity. And I know her better. Kids screw up, but aren’t their intentions relatively pure until they steal your Escalade and plow it into a snow bank while snorting coke off the dash?

In adulthood, the identical message simply shifts sender. Responses are still reactionary, irrational, built on neuronal firing rather than a shared history and experience. And it gets me every time, this baggage, sucking me into a whirlpool of self-doubt. You know me. And if you aren’t understanding me, you aren’t listening. If you cared, you’d take the time to figure this out. In a head that can’t make sense of the shift, the blame resides entirely with me. I’m unable to differentiate things I’d do differently from the pain of not being understood. Screw their bullshit, how their past friendships or shitty day color our interaction. I’m falling short.


And suddenly I’m a fourth grader again, one who’s more glad than ever that the Internet doesn’t allow you a glimpse of all that flailing…..

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Scribblings.....Smokin In The Boys Room

Day 1, morning 1 + 10 minutes.  

The McDonald's clerk beckons for number 175. Number 175, please come pick up your order. Number 175 . . . Bueller? Bueller? The dime hag approaches the clerk, saying, "I'm 175. But did you say 135?" Now, if the clerk had said 135, are you really willing to wait for 40 people to pick their McMuffin up before you get to? The assholes don't deserve to eat…..I think I'm edgy.

Day 2
I share with friends that I'm on the quest for health but worry about gaining more weight in the process. Dick emails me something along the lines of, "just because you don't have a cigarette in your mouth doesn't mean you have to shove a pizza in there," and I begin to fantasize about things I could shove in his trapper to head off further helpful commentary.

Day 3
I read someplace that it helps to think of yourself as a nonsmoker. I am a nonsmoker. I am a nonsmoker. That really felt good. I am a nonsmoker who would sell her eggs and her body for one cigarette, would agree to baby sit your litter and help your oldest build his baking soda volcano for just one precious lungful. I'd even take a dreaded generic.

Sometimes there is nothing like Marlboro country, whether you smoke or not! 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

He Stopped Loving Her Today.......

Why do men die first?
This is a question that has gone unanswered for centuries, but, now we know. It requires a bit of explanation, first:
If you put a woman on a pedestal and try to protect her from the rat race ... you're a male chauvinist.
If you stay home and do the housework ... you're a pansy.
If you work too hard ... there's never any time for her.
If you don't work enough ... you're a good-for-nothing bum.
If she has a boring repetitive job with low pay ... this is exploitation.
If you have a boring repetitive job with low pay ... you should get off your lazy behind and find something better.
If you get a promotion ahead of her ... that is favoritism.
If she gets a job ahead of you ... its equal opportunity.
If you mention how nice she looks ... its sexual harassment.
If you keep quiet ... its male indifference.
If you cry ... you're a wimp.
If you don't ... you're an insensitive bastard.
If you make a decision without consulting her ... you're a chauvinist.
If she makes a decision without consulting you, she's a liberated woman.
If you ask her to do something she doesn't enjoy ... that's domination.
If she asks you ... it's a favor.
If you appreciate the female form and frilly underwear ... you're a pervert. If you don't ... you're gay.
If you like a woman to shave her legs and keep in shape ... you're sexist.
If you don't ... you're unromantic.
If you try to keep yourself in shape ... you're vain.
If you don't ... you're a slob.
If you buy her flowers ... you're after something.
If you don't ... you're not thoughtful.
If you're proud of your achievements ... you're full of yourself.
If you don't ... you're not ambitious.
If she has a headache ... she's tired.
If you have a headache ... you don't love her anymore.
If you want it too often ... you're oversexed.
If you don't ... there must be someone else.
Why do men die first?
Because they want to......ROTFLMAO!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Mumblings......

She had a good eye - or that's what they say,
and she picked him from quite a long distance away
running proud and alone, apart from the herd.
Yes, he was a fine one, I give you my word.

She knew above all that he had a good heart,
and he seemed to take to her right from the start.
He was eager to please, honest and kind,
but he made it quite clear that he had his own mind.

She made no demands that he couldn't meet.
Her hands were gentle; her voice was sweet.
Day in and day out in the heat and the dust,
she did all she could to earn his trust.

Sometimes it seemed they were right on the verge
of two rebel souls beginning to merge,
but just when she felt he was coming around,
he'd spit the bit and head for high ground.

Then all she could do was pitch him some rein
and start the whole process all over again.
Not once did she show him abuse or neglect;
she chose to back off out of love and respect.

It was best to turn loose, let things run their full course.
She was certain that she could gain nothing by force.
But as the days passed, she cared more and more,
because he was genuine right to the core.

In her dreams he came openly seeking her touch
with the trust and the love that she craved so much.
She caressed him and held him and gave him her heart
without taking the freedom he'd prized from the start.

And together they had the strength and the will
to ford every stream and climb every hill.
They could spin and roll back and stop on a dime,
and they scored close to perfect every time.

Then she awoke as the bright sun peeked through,
and she knew that he stood somewhere watching it too.
Peculiar to some, strange though it may seem,
she was grateful to him for the gift of a dream.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Scribblings: Much Too Young, To Feel This Damn Old.....

I'll never be a rancher's wife; it's a life I'll never know
But, it has been a dream of mine, since oh so long ago.
I always figured I meet someone, somewhere along the way
While I was learning' to make a hand, ridin' horses for my pay.

I wasn't expectin no fireworks, no knight in shinin armor to sweep me off my feet
Just someone honest, polite and kind, was the type I wanted to meet.
Oh, I figured he'd be a little ornery, with a twinkle in his eye.
But if we ever said 'I do.' We'd 'Do' till the day we died.

Now I was workin on all the attributes I thought a rancher's wife should possess.
Startin colts, building fence and lookin good in high heels and a dress
Stretchin pennies into dollars, getting up early to do the chores
And when there was an extra mouth to feed, makin room at the table for just one more

Playin midwife to mares and heifers, doctorin colts and calves.
And thankin God at the end of the day for all the things I have
Like the majestic beauty of sunrises in the morning, and the clean, crisp smell and feel of fall
The wonder of life in a newborn calf and miles of wide-open prairie spaces were some of my favorite things of all.

But then I turned 37 and decided no one was coming down the ranch's mile long drive a looking for a wife.
So I live in town, have a job - now I breathe the smog and put up with the constant strife
Of houses settin too close together, and apartment livin is even worse
With walls so thin between you that you hear your neighbor's curse

Now my days are filled with drivin in rush hour traffic, fightin crowds and honkin horns.
Workin in small confining space, sometimes gazing out the window lookin wistful and forlorn

Cause, I still think about the way my life use to be and what it has now become
Remembering what I left behind and the dreams I dreamt when I was young.
Dreams of cattle grazin on a hillside on a place we would call home
And all the puppies, ponies and pickups that we would surely own

I guess everything in life is a trade off, cause I'm finally able to put money in the bank.
But since I stopped workin the ranch I've gained 50 pounds and there is a noticeable swellin through my flanks.

I still use my black iron skillets and cook enough to feed a brandin crew
But I sometime get to wonderin, would I have takin a chance if I'd only knew, how much pain that cowboy's caused since he said we're thru

How much of my heart I'd leave in pieces scattered out upon the Oklahoma plains,
in the yelp of the coyote, or that it would cause me so much pain
to watch the sun come up between tall buildings instead of from some horse's back
and as the years now stretch before me it becomes more and more a fact - that I'll never be a rancher's wife it's a life I'll never know.