~Confessions of a Redneck Princess~

Monday, November 8, 2010

Manic Monday: Drunk Dialing and Drunk Texting

1. Only drunk dial when you are drunk. Everything else is false advertisement.

2. It is okay to call someone 27 times in one night. If you don't remember it, it didn't happen.

3. If you are going to drunk dial a family member, say something nice. Ex. "Mom I'm in McDonald's and they're playing our song. I love you."

4. Dirty talk while drunk dialing is always preferred. Who doesn't want to hear your best raspy, phone sex voice at 3 in the A.M. asking to bend them over something.

5. Voicemails are always better. This way your friend can let their friends have fun at your expense for days, even weeks to come.

6. Drunk texting is alright...if you are prepared to read what you wrote the next day when you are sober.

7. It is definitely a good idea to call all of your exes and remind them that you were the best lover they've ever had and everything they know, they learned from you. This way you can sleep well at night.

8. You can also call this same ex and let them know, that you know, that they still love you. Then explain to them that I would still love me too!

9. If you are a frequent dialer, never get mad if someone dials you. Be happy they thought of you in this special time.

10. It is always a good idea to sing on someone's answering machine or voicemail. Especially a show tune.

11. Drunk dialing should be fun and light-hearted or dirty and sex crazed... Never angry.

12. Most likely you will never drunk dial your best friends. They are usually the ones taking your phone away and reminding you that "you have a problem".

13. If you deleted a number sober, it was probably for a good reason. Do not try to retrieve this number. Nothing good can come from it.

14. Always call someone you know. Finding random numbers in phone books is bad and usually leads to angry dialing.

15. If your cell phone dies, remember everything happens for a reason. Never borrow a friend's phone to do your dialing.

16. Drunk dialing to foreign country is usually too costly to be a good idea. But if you feel like if you don't call this person you'll just die, brake rule 15 and use a friend's phone.

17. Drunk dialing may lead to drunk muffin stuffing....Be prepared.

18. When dialing remember that "hanging out" at 3 in the A.M. usually doesn't involve cards, it's probably going to be more like cheap lube and handcuffs. So be prepared when you really do want to play X-Box when you're drunk..."You want me to do what with your box? Play with it?"

19. Don't drunk dial in the pool, tub, or rainstorm. It only ends up with you blow drying your phone when you're far to drunk to be using electronics and you won't be able to drunk dial anymore that night.

20. Never, I repeat, never drunk dial your boss, preacher, grandpa, or friend's parents. If you are that hard up to call someone, there are 800 numbers on Budweiser boxes. The person on the other line always sounds cute, plus I think they are used to drunk dialers.


There are many types of drunk dials, here are the most common:

1) The Close Friend Call: This is usually just to let the person know how WASTED you are and how much you LOVE them and to let them know that they have to work at 8 AM and its now 4 AM.

2) The Acquaintance Call: This is acceptable and should last no more than 63 seconds. This is someone that you don't talk to on a regular basis, and for good reason - but you still felt the need to call them at 2:45 in the morning to tell them they are "missin' out on this KILLER party".

3) The Booty Call: This category has the most to gain but the most to lose. It is totally within reason to call your f*ck buddy at 4 AM... but it is NOT acceptable to call them 20 times and leave 5 voicemails. News flash - cell phones have caller ID! And P.S. your ex-boyfriends/girlfriends probably don't want to here from you 'fake drunk crying' explaining how much you miss them, how big of a mistake it was to break up, or even to bitch them out - also, their new significant other probably won't appreciate it much either : )

4). The angry drunk dial. Anyone who has annoyed or pissed you off... or anyone that you just want to basically tell that they are lame and have no life, and that you really don't like them, and you try to explain that it's not that you don't like them because you are currently drunk, but that you have never really liked them.

  And let's not forget drunk texting!
Don't Dial App, which allows you to block the usual recipients of your drunk dials (or texts, or emails) for whatever period of time you chose. (I would imagine 2am to 4am is the most designated time.) You can even make a friend your "designated dialer" for the evening with a handy password feature. (Though hopefully your friend isn't going to prank call your boss or anything.)

While these apps are neat (there's even a phone with a built-in breathalyzer), here are a few other things that could benefit from a function that prevents you from using them while intoxicated.

You've just come home from the bar. That last vodka soda was a bad idea, and you haven't eaten anything since lunch. Time to get on Facebook and look up old boyfriends. That always ends well. Or maybe you decide to leave a flirty message on your office crush's page. Whoops, every coworker you're friends with has now seen it. Facebook needs a "drunk app" that will pop up a bunch of warnings if you log on while hammered. "Are you sure you want to proceed? How much have you had to drink tonight? Do you really need to be looking up that guy you made out with once at a New Year's party in college? He probably has kids now."`

I can't tell you how many times I've passed out drunk, only to wake up to find, say, the entire Toto catalog mysteriously downloaded to my iTunes. It must be elves. Elves who just have to have the live version of "Hold the Line."  

High School YearbooksSure, leafing through old high school yearbooks while blitzed might start out as a harmless trip down memory lane. But pretty soon you're reliving old gym class traumas and wondering why Katie didn't write more on your senior page. Did she really hope you'd "stay sweet"? Seems pretty insincere. Time to look her up on Facebook and write something nasty on her page.  


Twitter needs a "drunk app," if for no other reason than to reduce the number of "I'm so drunk right now!" Tweets. Though if you prevented people from Tweeting while drunk, the site would pretty much be a ghost town.

Boxes of Old Photos
Aww, look! It's a photo of you and your high school pals at an amusement park. That's nice. And there's your jerky ex whose photo you still keep for some reason. Better write him a long message on Facebook and open old wounds. And here's a picture of your mom holding you when you were a baby. And...here come the tears. 

Any album by Leonard Cohen
I'm not entirely sure how this app would work. Maybe your phone would fire an electrical pulse or something whenever you're within ten feet of a Cohen album while tipsy. I love Cohen as much as the next guy, but listening to "So Long Marianne" while loaded is a one-way ticket to cry-town. The app would also work for songs by Jeff Buckley, Nick Drake, and Kermit the Frog's rendition of "The Rainbow Connection." 
Domino's Pizza Tracker
Have you seen this thing? It's on Domino's website and gives you real-time updates as your pizza is being made. There's even an iPhone app for it.

dominos_pizza_tracker-250.jpgWhat we need is an app that checks to see if you're sober enough to be ordering from Domino's. See below.  

"Your order has been placed. There is still time to turn back."

"Prep. Seriously, why are you paying $14 for cheesy tomato bread? Microwave a Hot Pocket and go to bed."

"Bake. There's still time to call and cancel! Do you really want to wake up next to a greasy Domino's box, the congealing cheese a reminder of the many, many mistakes you made last night?" 

"Quality check. This isn't actually happening. We just put this here for legal reasons."

"Out for delivery. It's not too late! Just don't answer the door. You're drunk, you passed out. Wait, what are you doing? Are you adding hot wings to your order?? No!!!!" 

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