~Confessions of a Redneck Princess~

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

TMI TUESDAY: Songs About Rain.........

It’s raining here as I type. As in, monumental rain. Serious flooding. End-of-the-world, better-get-your-ark-built-NOW flooding.

And it’s now raining in our kitchen as well. There’s a lovely leak in the ceiling. The punks and I joked about sticking some piece of furniture under the leak that we really didn’t like – hey, gotta make lemonade outta lemons somehow, right? :)

Right. I’m trying not to feel a wee bit discouraged after this ridiculous month of hail, tornados, and now water damage. We have apparently had 13.4 inches of rain according to my three rain gauges and I spent the whole day cooped up in the house. Thinking enough to drive a sane person bat-shit crazy! And my brain is apparently short circuiting due to flooding.........

For those of you who don't know me well, here are some more little known facts that feel the need to fly out at this exact moment:

I am an old soul in porno pumps although my boots, of which I have many, are more comfortable for wading through the crap I have to deal with on a daily basis, literally. I am a recovering shopping junkie, small town girl, a single mom, and right now, I'm just happy to be here.

In what could only have been a drunken, impulsive, clear sighted moment, I decided to chuck my previous husband for all the right reasons and not to stay in a marriage where it was all about how things "appeared". I just wasn't that into him. Cheating, physical abuse and not trusting someone just aren't my cup of tea. I digress, though, I'm not really a woman who was meant to be single, I just play one on TV -- and I now I am trapped in dating hell. More to come on that later. I am clearly a moron.

A moron with great jewelry and accessories.

I am all about information, facts, trivia, education and being well read. That means that I have obtained knowledge on much, but am qualified for nothing, except for maybe as a Jeopardy or Cash Cab contestant, knowing just enough to get me into much trouble and costing me much money.

I have pulled off things in my life that people just marvel at and I am happy to admit that if someone told me I could quit my job tomorrow due to the amazement factor, I'd walk out grinning like the Cheshire cat. Although, I have to admit, I would miss the smell of nail polish and hair color.

I love Dr. Pepper, peppermint gum, pickup trucks and Peterbilt's, cheesecake, beef jerky, branding calves, chinks, magazines, raunchy novels, horses, random cable series, cowboys and comedy (in no particular order) and my insanely powered blow drier because I have the most difficult hair in the world.

My family includes my two punks (ages 14 and 6...don't ask), my crazy, cradle robbing mother, hard to tolerate redneck terminal father, an incarcerated drug addicted brother and two of the sweetest, ankle biting pooches to ever to walk the earth, as well as a menagerie of livestock and other things that demand to be fed.

My blog talks about my dysfunctional family and nicknamed other folks, strange stuff that irritates me, life on the farm and in a small town, crazy thoughts that occupy my brain, things I obsess about and other random facts about me and the world we live in.

And in case you haven't noticed, I have a sarcastic potty mouth (I know, I know, I'm workin on it!), tend to yammer endlessly, am sassy and far too opinionated about simply everything, love the run-on sentence and the ever descriptive adjective, and that I recognized the beginning of the end times for they are and continue to be!

Right now, I just wish the rain would stop. See I told you I yammered. You had to go through all the other garbage for that single thought.

1 comment:

  1. I wondered how you were faring yesterday. I slept most of the day, apparently I must have needed it. Off and on sleeping from 1pm yesterday until now. Glad you didn't float away! HUGS!!!!!!!!!!
